Insurance Panels

How are medical insurances responding to COVID-19?

Insurance of the Day: Blue Cross Blue Shield BCBS announced that all of its 36 networks – both independent and locally operated – will be waiving off prior authorizations for diagnostic tests and services covered for COVID-19 cover tests at no member cost-sharing waive prescription refill limits on maintenance drugs expand telehealth and nurse and provider hotline access waive cost-sharing for telehealth services for a limited time Check website for validity of waiver BCBS Association […]

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How are medical insurances responding to COVID-19?

Insurance of the Day: Aetna Copays related to COVID-19 related diagnostic testing will be waived off – including all member costs linked with the diagnosis for Medicare, Medicaid or Commercial businesses.  Self-insured plan sponsors can opt out of the program if they choose to. $0 co-pay on telemedicine visits for any reason, not just COVID-19 related visits Extending its Aetna Medicare Advantage virtual evaluation and virtual monitoring for all its fully insured members People diagnosed

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Top Significant Pros & Cons of Launching a Private Therapy Practice

Several therapists usually see a dream of one day launching their own private practice. However, such type of dream requires a number of things into consideration. Definitely, there are certain pros and cons. Following are some of the problems to consider involve: Consider Entire Business Point of Views Exploring laws is usually required to start a private practice in your city that applies to owning your own business. You’ll generally require obtaining a business license

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